Introduction To Dermal Fillers

Healthy young skin is soft and supple. As we get older, so does our skin. In turn, it naturally breaks down the collagen in our system. Eventually, the youthful appearance slowly fades and the skin loses its elasticity, volume, and strength. Dermal fillers are a type of skin care solution that are injected into targeted areas of your face that have sagged, or you want to look tighter or fuller. This is a quick and easy way to instantly add natural-looking volume to certain parts of your face, such as the cheeks or lips.

What Is Dermal Filler?

Dermal fillers are a form of cosmetic treatment that involves injecting substances under the skin to enhance facial features. It is a popular alternative to surgical procedures for being non-invasive and with little to no downtime.
As the name suggests, dermal fillers are compounds that literally “fill” the face. Dermal fillers restore volume that was lost due to the decline of the production of collagen and elastin in the body.
There are a variety of dermal fillers to choose from and each targets a specific cosmetic need. Dermal fillers are also called fillers, soft tissue fillers, and wrinkle fillers.

How Does Dermal Filler Work?

After your doctor cleans your skin and applies a numbing lotion on it, small amounts of fillers will be injected under your skin. Dermal fillers are used for plumping up or tightening your facial features from the temples, tear troughs, or crow’s feet around the eyes, the sides of the nose and mouth, cheeks, jaws, and chin.
The fillers are created differently: they can be thick, made of gel, or come in liquid form. They also vary in their chemical formulations.
Thick dermal fillers are injected into the deeper folds or wrinkles between the nose and the corner of the mouth. On the other hand, those with a thinner consistency will be used for fine lines such as crow’s feet.

Benefits of Dermal Filler

Beyond the obvious requests of filling in cheeks or lips to make them plumper, dermal fillers also provide solutions for other skin issues and concerns such as:
Youthful Appearance
Dermal fillers replace the collagen on the face. Filling in the signs of aging or saggy skin allows for the revitalization of your facial features.
Improvement of the Appearance of Scars
Whether it’s acne scars or scars caused by accidents, dermal fillers can level the skin by filling it in and raising it. These scars in turn become unremarkable.
Enhancement of Facial Contours
By using dermal filler to make a facial feature (ex: nose, cheeks, lips) more prominent, it shows that facial symmetry is indeed true beauty.
Non-Invasive Procedure
FDA-cleared as safe and effective, dermal fillers are a great alternative to surgical procedures that would require more healing and limit your quality of life.
Immediate Results
The results of soft tissue augmentation using dermal fillers are apparent immediately.
Customizable Treatment
Since there’s a variety of available dermal fillers for you to choose from, you can discuss with your doctor the formulation, the benefits of each, and what works best for you.

Why Choose Dr. Ryan Suri at TayTen Cosmetics

Dr. Ryan Suri assesses all of his patients with a complimentary consultation. Together with TayTen Cosmetics, he is committed to providing age-defying beauty treatments to allow every patient to feel proud and confident in their face.
Dr. Suri specializes in personalized aesthetic and medical treatment plans. His expertise includes Botox injections, Juviderm facial fillers, and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapies. Dr. Suri is in demand for his Full Face Rejuvenation treatment which combines all his specialty treatments to achieve a non-surgical facelift for a natural, youthful, revitalized appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do dermal fillers last?
The effect of dermal fillers can last for several months to 2 years, depending on the type of filler used. There is a point that the dermal filler will naturally break down, so to maintain your desired look, you must do follow-up check-ups and receive multiple treatments right after.
Are dermal fillers safe? Will it hurt while getting dermal fillers?
Dermal fillers are generally safe, provided that a board-certified dermatologist or doctor will administer them. A local anesthetic will be applied to the area where the dermal filler will be injected. There will be numbness and redness after the injection but this will subside eventually.
Is there any downtime after dermal filler injections?
Since injecting dermal fillers is a non-surgical procedure, most people can return to their daily activities with no issues whatsoever. Consult with your doctor if you should take a break from working out for a couple of days or so.
How long does the dermal filler treatment take?
Injecting a dermal filler could last from 15-60 minutes, depending on the number of treatment areas. Your age and skin condition may also affect the required time to complete a session.
Can I get dermal fillers?
Most physically healthy individuals can get dermal fillers, especially non-smokers. But you need to consult with your doctor for the exact requirements to get the treatments. If you are pregnant or are currently breastfeeding, it is advisable to continue with your dermal filler treatment when you’re done breastfeeding.